Human resources

Our engineers have served as senior-level experts for the past 25 years.
With practice in developing innovative solutions, with proven planning and execution skills, within R&D and operations.
We look at the broad picture and give insights combined with up-to-date knowledge.
We gained experience working with large companies and start-ups in global markets. It made us great team players and tech leaders. We help companies from the concept phase to full commercialization. Our experience in small and large-scale projects made us a significant contributor to new businesses developing their growth opportunities.
The engineers are experienced with system and subsystem methods and experiments. They managed production and assembly processes with many interfaces. Our expertise in leading and streamlining production processes in the face of project challenges from the development stage to serial production. Lead the system and subsystem into validation and verification testing. Pushing ahead processes in a multidisciplinary environment with varying constraints. Leading the development of a new product and expanding the company's activities in a new business direction.
Development of design and production processes from prototype to serial production. We are conducting tests to prove the fitness and quality of the product until a standard of use as a safety product is complete.